Sunday, 31 May 2015

Needlework Development Scheme Leaflets

A while ago I gave a small talk with slides to the Embroiderer's Guild in Tunbridge Wells. It was a gentle talk about my mother's life's work with textiles and embroidery and her influence on my own work. She did work with the NDS during the early part of her career as a designer and author. Some of my audience had brought along their own copies of some of her books which was so heart warming ... I was also approached by a lady I have met a few times at exhibitions in the past who said she still had her mother's NDS leaflets used while teaching and would love me to have them. Shortly afterwards she and another friend and I had a lovely morning embroidering samples and looking through these fabulous leaflets. I also have the book And Sew to Embroider, also a NDS book which has my mother's designs in ... I have scanned them all inside and out and am sharing the covers here and thinking about best way to share all in time ... and there are more to come!

The first (below) is a complete four page leaflet and following are just the covers. The colours alone are lovely ... TREASURE indeed.

Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 26B"
Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 26B"

Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 26B Page 1

Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 26B Page 2

Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 26B Page 3

Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 28B"
Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 28B"

Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 36"
Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 36"

Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 10B"
Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 10B"

Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 11B"
Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 11B"

Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 12B"
Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 12B"

Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 17B"
Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 17B"

Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 19B"
Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 19B"

Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 21B"
Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 21B"

Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 23B"
Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 23B"

Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 24B"
Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 24B"

Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 25B"
Needlework Development leaflet "Bulletin 25B"

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